In a nation where the promise of a fair and just society hangs precariously in the balance, the recent ruling by Justice Byram Ongaya at the Employment and Labour Relations courts of Kenya stands as a beacon of hope for workers across the country. On the 19th of April, 2024, Justice Ongaya's verdict underscored the unlawful nature of the Teachers Service Commission's exploitation of qualified and registered teachers as interns. This decision not only upholds the rights of these teachers but also exposes the discriminatory practices embedded within Kenya's educational system.
The plight of Junior Secondary School (JSS) interns, relegated to precarious contracts and inadequate remuneration, reflects a broader pattern of injustice perpetuated by the current administration under President Ruto. As the Communist Party of Kenya (CPK) staunchly asserts, the constitution guarantees the right to job security, a principle blatantly violated by the clandestine contracting methods employed by the Kenya Kwanza administration.
The CPK stands in unwavering solidarity with the courageous JSS interns who, in the face of adversity, have taken a bold stand for their rights. The nationwide strike organized by CPK in Kisumu echoes the resounding call for justice, demanding nothing less than permanent and pensionable contracts for these educators who have tirelessly dedicated themselves to shaping the future of Kenya.
The exploitative practices of the Teachers Service Commission, epitomized by the unjust JSS internship program, are symptomatic of a deeper malaise afflicting our nation. President Ruto's administration, ensnared in the clutches of big capital, prioritizes the interests of the elite over the well-being of the working class. Austerity measures imposed on the populace serve only to line the pockets of the privileged few, while essential services like healthcare and education languish in neglect.
Moreover, the complicity of certain union factions, exemplified by the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), in betraying the interests of their members is a betrayal of the very principles they claim to uphold. The CPK condemns such actions and reaffirms its commitment to amplifying the voices of all workers, ensuring that their grievances are heard and their rights upheld.
The struggle of JSS teachers is not isolated; it is a microcosm of the larger battle for economic and social justice raging across Kenya. The CPK calls upon all Kenyans to stand in solidarity with these educators, recognizing that a fair and equitable education system is the cornerstone of a just society. From primary school teachers to university students, we must unite in our demand for a system that values the contributions of all educators and provides them with the dignity and respect they deserve.
In the words of Comrade Tonny Omondi and Comrade Walter Ogillo, CPK militants at the front of the strike paraphrasing Marx , "Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!" Let us heed this call to action, for only through collective struggle can we dismantle the oppressive structures that seek to divide and exploit us. Solidarity is our strength, and together, we shall prevail.
The Central Organizing Committee of the Communist Party of Kenya (Majority)